Transparency is important to us!
Tested transparency as a member of the German Donation Council e.V.
Your donation arrives directly to – Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen / Wings of Help
Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen/Wings of Help e.V. has joined the “Transparent Civil Society Initiative”
The signatories of the initiative commit to making ten relevant pieces of information about the organization easy to find, accessible to the general public in a specific format and keeping it up to date.
(1) Name, registered office, address and year of establishment of our organization
Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen/Wings of Help e.V.
Cargo City South – Building 501c
60549 Frankfurt am Main – Airport
Phone: +49 69 690 23255
Contact person Sylvia Plaschek, Head of Fundraising,, Mobile phone: +49 (0) 172 – 9161293
Year of establishment: 2003
Registration in the association register – registration number: 12643
Tax ID no.: 045 255 86194
Registration court: District Court of Frankfurt / Main
(2) Complete statutes
The complete statutes of the organization can be read here (Statutes – Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen e.V.).
(3) Date of the most recent notice from the tax office
Exemption notice (Exemption notice 20211221.pdf)
(4) Name and function of the key decision-makers
The executive committee and board members work on a voluntary basis, the same applies to the board of trustees, which oversees the work.
The organs of the association are the general meeting, the board of directors and the board of trustees.
The board is elected by the general meeting for a period of 3 years. The ordinary general meeting takes place every year.
Frank Franke (President)
Ralf Bülter (Vice President and Executive Director)
Marie-Luise Thüne (Board of Directors for International and Political Contacts)
Prof. Dr. Hauke Lang (Medical Director)
Werner Claasen (Media & PR Director)
Guido Holz (Film & TV Director)
Jürgen Wingenfeld (Finance Director)
Peter C. Manz (IT Director)
(5) Report on the activities of our organization
LOG/WoH is a humanitarian aid organization that provides national and international aid in crisis and disaster areas. The non-governmental organization (NGO) was founded on June 3, 2003. Its areas of responsibility include in particular the provision of medicine, food and goods for daily needs to children and families in need – immediately after natural and humanitarian disasters – as well as the transport of medical emergencies from all over the world to Germany for medical treatment. Since its founding in 2003, LOG/WoH has helped on hundreds of missions in more than 25 countries.
The current annual report can be viewed here (LOG Annual Report 2023_LQ-121224).
(6) Personnel structure
The team is presented here (About us – Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen e.V.).
Full-time employees Felix Groh, Chief Operations Officer and Leonora Plaschek, Head of Process Coordination and Design.
Contact person for fundraising Sylvia Plaschek, Head of Fundraising,, Mobile: +49 (0) 172 – 9161293
(7) Source of funds
Current information on this can be found in the profit and loss statement here (LOG Annual Report 2023_LQ-121224).
(8) Information on the use of funds
Current information on this can be found in the profit and loss statement here (LOG Annual Report 2023_LQ-121224).
Allocation of income and expenses for the financial year by divisions and functions/areas – multi-division accounting using the total cost method (Appendix 2a.pdf)
(9) Corporate affiliation with third parties
Our Partners (partner logos at
The association is independent and has no legal connection to other organizations. We work closely with the following partners: ASF Aviation Sans Frontieres, International Medical Corps, Medical Disaster Relief Organization, etc.
(10) Names of legal and natural persons whose annual donations make up more than ten percent of our total annual income.
The support from the Margarete Müller Buhl Foundation, RTL Foundation and the Conrad N. Hilton Foundation amounts to more than ten percent of total annual income.
The three supporters we have named are regular supporters.
As of: January 1, 2025