A truck from Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen e.V. / Wings of Help is leaving Frankfurt with aid for refugees on the Greek islands and the mainland
Concern about the migrants from the Middle East on the Aegean islands and the Greek mainland is growing day by day with the onset of winter: For months, more and more people are seeking their way out of the Turkish refugee camps to Europe and landing mostly by boat on islands and in Greek mainland ports. On Lesbos, Chios and Samos and other islands around 50,000 migrants are currently waiting. The government in Athens is about to relocate over 10,000 people from the overcrowded camps from the islands to the north mainland, where harsh winter conditions are expected. In order to alleviate the plight of the people and to help to avoid the worst hardships, a truck with relief supplies from Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen e.V. / Wings of Help has now left Frankfurt / Main for Athens. Objective: The Greek partner of the Frankfurt aid organization “The Smile of the Child”. The truck brings warm blankets, winter clothing, baby food, baby highchairs and diapers, as well as 1,000 fabric teddy bears for the needy people not only on the islands and the mainland but also to poor Greek families. “Together with our partner organization” The Smile of the Child “, which deliberately distributes relief supplies, we manage to bring some warmth into their lives, at least for a part of the people towards the end of the year. In doing so, we can help alleviate the plight of children who are particularly close to our hearts, “said Frank Franke, President of Wings of Help. Franke coordinates together with “The Smile of the Child” locally in Greece the allocation of aids from Germany.