•With the Wings of Help Foundation, we are positioning ourselves as a humanitarian aid organization in the area of donations with a non-profit institution that is solid, serious and transparent.
•With the non-profit Wings of Help Foundation, we are creating – in addition to the foundation as a registered association – an additional opportunity to be able to use financial donations in an even more targeted manner.
•The foundation serves individual ad hoc projects as well as aid operations that require longer planning and implementation periods.
•The foundation underscores its high level of financial security for managing the individual projects and tasks with the foundation capital that has been brought in – which, by the way, can only be partially used for projects.
•Towards our donors and supporters at home and abroad, we project our challenges into the future with the help of the foundation and underline: Anyone who supports Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen e.V. / Wings of Help can be sure that their commitment will continue to be direct and sustainable for years to come reaching people in need.
•Details on the foundation and on donation options from the board of Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen / Wings of Help e.V.:
•Frank Franke f.franke@wingsofhelp.org •Cargo City Süd, Building 501 c, 60549 Frankfurt Airport
Funded and supported by Bernd Breiter, BigCityBeats