After the Cyclone “Idai” devastated the country in South-eastern Africa, the outbreak of diseases is now looming.
In the flooded areas, the number of diarrhoea cases is rising and the outbreak of cholera is expected. Clean drinking water is almost nowhere to be obtained.
The disaster area stretches for hundreds of kilometres from Mozambique to Zimbabwe and Malawi.
Meanwhile, the most affected port city of Beira is again accessible by land.
In the middle of this week, heavy rainfall is again looming, threatening people in the more than 50,000 homes which are destroyed. In total, around one million people are directly affected by the disaster, according to UN estimates.
“The misery of these people demands that everything is done to help here as soon as possible,” said Frank Franke from Wings of Help.
The organization is currently putting together a relief transport consisting of medical supplies.