
Refugees on their way to a new future

Refugees on their way to a new future

September 6, 2021, Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen / Wings of Help and the International Medical Corps from the United States are supporting Afghan refugees at the Ramstein transit camp in the Western Palatinate. “Volunteers group “Helping Hands for Evacuees” helping refugees in Ramstein Air Base will be supported with delivery of 11,664 liter of mineral water and some toys for children.” In Ramstein, thousands of Afghan refugees are waiting for their onward journey to a better future. On September 3 alone, some 15,000 refugees were waiting to continue their journey. Since the current Afghan crisis began, more than 100 transport planes have brought refugees to Ramstein, who a few days later flew on to other countries, primarily the United States. During their stay at Ramstein, two babies were born. A baby girl was also born on a flight from Kabul. She was given the name “Reach.” It was the call sign of one of the large four-engine C 17 transports that handle the airlift between Afghanistan and Europe. “It is a symbol on a new beginning.”