
German Donation Council meets for the first time in Frankfurt

German Donation Council meets for the first time in Frankfurt

The German Donation Council (Deutscher Spendenrat), one of the most important institutions for quality assurance and transparency in the donation system in the Federal Republic, had chosen Frankfurt Airport for its general meeting in 2021 for the first time: The council, based in Berlin, deliberately documented its proximity with the annual meeting on 23 and 24 September to air traffic, without which effective help for people in need around the world can hardly be provided. The Donation Council recognized the whole range of the “relay function between industry and people in need in the world”, which Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen/  Wings of Help e.V. (LOG) has performed as an aid organization for almost 20 years. LOG, one of the 68 members of the prestigious donation council, gave managing director Dr. Max Mälzer insights into current work at home and abroad. Balance of aid operations: since LOG was founded, aid supplies with a volume of 6,500 tons and a value of around 130 million euros have been brought to needy people on all continents. In total there are over 6000 aid organizations in Germany today. Only a few carry – like LOG – the official certification of the German Donation Council. Our picture was taken in the LOG headquarters in Cargo City Süd at Frankfurt Airport and shows Dr. Mälzer (left) with LOG Vice President Marie-Luise Thüne and Frank Franke, LOG President.