Poor region in the Balkans receives emergency car from Germany
Luftfahrt ohne Grenze/Wings of Help organizes ambulance for North Macedonia – Once stationed at the Nürburgring
Hardly any other country in the Balkans has such a weak infrastructure as North Macedonia: The country, which is a candidate for accession to the EU, suffers from its extremely poorly developed infrastructure – especially in the field of medicine. While the care in the capital Skopje with its approximately 500,000 inhabitants is improving, people in the countryside are suffering from a lack of medical help. This is particularly evident in the district town of Kicevo, which has 25,000 inhabitants and is located in the mountainous west of North Macedonia. There is a hospital there for medical emergencies, but many patients have to be taken to the hospital in the capital, 150 kilometers away, after first aid. A long way, on which many people have already died – for example because they came to Skopje in private cars.
Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen/Wings of Help (LOG/WoH) has now pointed out this emergency to a REWE store in the Hessian Taunus, whose store manager comes from this region of North Macedonia. In addition to humanitarian projects, for which LOG/WoH and REWE are involved, the need for an ambulance was also discussed. After an intensive search, LOG/WoH has now bought a used ambulance vehicle and had it prepared at its own expense for the trip to the North Macedonian mountains. After a journey of almost 2,000 kilometers, the ambulance has now reached Kicevo, where it was handed over to the local hospital by LOG-WoH President Frank Franke. “We are pleased that our ambulance vehicle will improve the infrastructure marginally, but still efficiently in many individual cases. The vehicle had done a good job in previous years – namely at the Nürburgring in the Eifel, where it was permanently available for emergencies of all kinds along the race track. Our search for a suitable ambulance has come to a happy end – to the benefit of the population in this part of the small Balkan country.”
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