
Mourning for Christian Poppe

Mourning for Christian Poppe

After a serious illness, the co-initiator of Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen/Wings of Help e.V. (LOG/WoH), Christian Poppe, passed away. Together with President Frank Franke, Poppe brought to life Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen 20 years ago. Both were inspired by the humanitarian missions that Aviation Sans Frontières (ASF) had been doing in France for years. At the beginning of the 2000s, Poppe headed the EADS corporate communications (today Airbus), which also supported social projects through aviation.

After the founding of Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen in Germany, Poppe was a board member for many years and until recently a co-opted board member of the organization. LOG/WoH mourns the loss of a good friend with great commitment and tireless supporter, who was extremely committed to humanitarian issues on an international level. Luftfahrt ohne Grenzen/Wings of Help will honor the memory of Christian Poppe and continue to be guided by his social commitment.